When the station first opened at Shoebury East Beach near Southend, the lookout and observation post was an old caravan. Initially there were 6 watchkeepers who monitored the coastline on Sundays and Bank holidays.
We then moved to the Old Shoebury Garrison where we had two porta-cabins, giving us a first class view of the Thames Estuary and the number of watchkeepers rose to 20.
However in 2003, due to the continual development of the Garrison site into a residential area, there was no longer any space for us to remain so we were asked to move which we did in january 2004.
We were very fortunate to be given a space within the perimeter of the Ministry of Defence site at Shoeburyness, and so in March 2004 we moved again to a position that is clearly visible from East Beach and gives us a commanding view over the Thames Estuary, an even better view than we had before.
Following a winter storm in 2018/19, during which part of the roofing was blown off, and, bearing in mind the cabins themselves were from pre 2000, investigations began to replace both. Inevitable delays occured owing to, amongst other issues, lack of funds and the COVI-19 pandemic however the new cabins were finally installed in October 2020 which provide added space and facilities.
Our new cabins were delivered to our site in September 2020,set up as you now see them with all the necessary equipment installed up and working well.
With this in mind it was thought to give some updated pictures, not only pictures you can see from your side of the fence, but showing the interiors together wih some of our equipment.