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LATEST UPDATE: 9th August 2020

Charlestown resumed watchkeeping in July, initially with one watch per day.   In August we are operting with two watches on most days.  Watches are currently planned to cover the greatest risk from rising tides since many of our incidents involve strandings.  September will continue as August.

The next Briefing Meeting and AGM will be held when Covid19 conditions permit.

The latest Training Manual has now been installed on the website and can be accessed using the 'Station Training Information' tab on the left of the home page.

As a good way of raising money for the charity try shopping through a website called 'Easy Fundriasing'.  NCI Charlestown receives a donaton on purchases made from a large selection of retailers and it doeasn't cost you a penny.  For details follow this link: and follow the instructions. Amazon have a similar system called 'Amazon Smiles' which accepts NCI as beneficiary.

 Charlestown  retained its Declared Facility Status following  a successful annual assessment on 29th October 2019. 

 NCI has been awarded "Charity Of The Year" 2016 by 'British Marine' - a marine industry association.


RCCNCI has been awarded the Royal Cruising Club Medal for services to cruising.


To download a leaflet on 'Operation Kraken' in PDF format please click here