27th October 2022. On Monday, Rory the lion from Lee Hub brought a supply of 2023 calendars to NCI Lee-on-the-Solent. Station manager Ron and watchkeeper Mary were on hand to receive the calendars

An NCI spokesperson for Lee-on-the=Solent said “ Our thanks go to  designer Nick from Lee Hub and watchkeeper David (who produced the cartoons for the calendar.

The calendars will be on sale for £8 at our NCI station as well as Lee Hub, The Cabin, Finishing Touches and the Hovercraft Museum around Lee on the Solent. NCI Lee will also sell them at the following events: Christmas In Lee on 25th Nov.; ASDA on 1st Dec.; at Lee Hub Christmas Fayre 3rd Dec. and Winter in Lee 3rd, 4th Dec. All the profit from sales will be split 50/50 with the Hub.”

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