Supporting Us With Your Donations

Thank you for visiting the NCI Gosport donation page. 

The Gosport station of the National Coastwatch Institution needs about £3000 each year to keep the station running, so your donation is very important to us.  There are several easy ways of making a donation.


For a one-off donation...

To donate by mobile phone, just text     NCIGOSPORT   to  70450   to donate £5


To pay a donation directly into our bank account, please email the station treasurer at  to obtain the BACS information.


To donate by Credit/Debit card, click on the link below or scan the QR code below with the camera on your mobile phone. (You will see a prompt to install an App; disregard this and just use the 'Pay As Guest' option):-

Click here to donate



To Donate via JustGiving

Simply click on this link...         

Or scan this QR code...




To Donate Regularly...


By Standing Order; if you would like to donate using a standing order, please contact the station treasurer at this address to obtain the BACS details


Use EasyFundRaising; this is a scheme whereby online stores (eg Amazon) will donate a proportion of your spending - at no cost to you - to charitable causes.  You can obtain details here...  Simply sign up to the scheme and nominate  National Coastwatch Institution Gosport  as your cause.


Or if you like a regular flutter; sign up to the Gosport Community Lottery.  A proportion of the fund from this weekly lottery is distributed regularly to good causes in the Gosport area - including NCI Gosport.  A £1 ticket could win you a weekly prize of £25,000, at odds which are far better than the National Lottery.   Just go to this web page and purchase tickets...

Or scan this QR code...


Make your donation worth 20% more by using Gift Aid !  If you are a UK tax payer, please email the station treasurer for details at


If you have any problems using these donation methods, please report them by emailing....