3rd December. As reported last month, the co-owners of a local sandwich shop 'The Turtle and the Bear', Jannine Rushby and her twin sister Jemma Whitman, decided they wanted to mark their 40th birthday with some sort of fundraiser.

 Nick White, Deputy Station Manager at NCI Felixstowe, takes up the story “Janine and Jemma contacted us to ask if we would like them to raise funds for us, and of course we were delighted to accept their offer. Their plan turned out to be, to do a sponsored 'dip' in the sea for ten minutes (neither of them being comfortable in the sea) in November. They said that didn't think it would raise a huge amount but if they got £100 they would be happy. They then not only distributed dozens of sponsor forms locally but also created a JustGiving page, now hoping to raise £250.

 Come the day, Sunday morning 7th November, (a very crisp and chilly one too), they had seemingly talked several other seafront businesses into joining them in this venture.  A small crowd of them appeared in fancy dress and as promised walked into the sea and threw an inflatable ball around for the prescribed ten minutes. Several of us from NCI stood shivering in the beach with our collection buckets (not daring to look cold). They emerged after the ten minutes, exhilarated but cold, and somewhat weighed down by their wet costumes

 The upshot of the story is that they managed to 'very slightly' go over their expectations of raising funds and actually raised a staggering £2,662 (and 20p) for NCI Felixstowe.  That is absolutely amazing and to say that we are overwhelmed and grateful, would be an understatement.  There were so many generous people who donated, including one local transport company which put in £500.  It has shown us just how appreciated NCI is, as a SAR organisation locally. Of course, this will make a massive difference to us this next year, with all sorts of plans to renew equipment and increase our capabilities”.

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