
This lookout station became operational as NCI Great Orme in August 2019. It is housed in one of the National Coastwatch’s trailer-mounted mobile stations and moved to its present location on 24th August 2020.

Re-branded as NCI Llandudno to better represent the area it serves,  NCI Llandudno is currently looking for new members to train as Watchkeepers.

If you are interested please email the Station Manager.

Visitor Policy
Visitors are normally most welcome at the lookout station. Please bear in mind that this is a small lookout, so we may not be able to accommodate visitors inside. We display information regarding tide times at the station when occupied for your safety. We have a water bowl outside near the path with fresh water for your canine friend, and are grateful for any donations that are placed in our collection bucket.

We are sited in Dale Road Car Park, West Shore, Llandudno. Please note the car park is run by the local authority and is Pay & Display all year round.

Emergency service vehicles and National Coastwatch on-duty staff parking is provided.

Emergency AED defibrillators are to be found on the beach cafe frontage and about 500 yards north of the station at the playground toilet block; they are accessed by a 999 call to the ambulance service.

Local Hazards
Sand banks in the Conwy estuary are fully submerged between 2 hour 30 minutes and 2 hours 45 minutes after low tide. Information on tide times is displayed at the station and a warning sign informs on the latest time to leave the sandbanks. Beware of strong currents, offshore winds and dangers from kite and wind surfers. If you are swimming keep close to the shore and don't go beyond the yellow marker buoys. Please avoid paddleboarding or using small inflatables. Paddleboards, jet skis and outboard high-speed craft must stay outside of the yellow buoys. Avoid ebbing tides which can be very strong and fast. Four YELLOW Rescue Rafts are situated at strategic points on the sandbanks. If you are cut off you should make your way to one of these and await rescue. If you get caught by a flooding tide walk in the opposite direction to the open sea, towards shallower water - don't take risks and if the water is too deep take refuge on the nearest rescue raft and signal the shore by waving your arms over your head.
Operational capability
This station awaits assessment for Declared Facility Status
This station reports to MRCC Holyhead
Current weather and sea conditions are available by phone and on VHF Radio channel 65 during watch hours also.
Defibrillator Available: 
Station Telephone: 
01492 463083
Visual Watch: 
Radar Watch: 
AIS Watch: 
CCTV Watch: 
WestShoreBeachcafe.com Llandudno
DSC Watch: 
Radio: Listening watch on channels: 
Radio: Channels in use (call direct not via ch 16): 
Radio: Channel 00: 
Listening watch and ready to transmit as authorised by Coastguard
Station Call Sign: 
Llandudno NCI

Station Info

Station Address
Dale Road Car Park
West Shore
LL30 2BG
Station telephone number
01492 463083
Station email address
Station contact
Gary Fernandes
Station contact role
Acting Station Manager
Station website
Summer opening
Open from: 
Open until: 
Every Day
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Sunday, November 3, 2024
In an emergency if the station is not manned any incident requiring emergency assistance along the shore line, cliffs, or estuaries or other coastal waters should be notified to the COASTGUARD call 999 and ask the operator for COASTGUARD they will arrange all help required, the station location is Dale Road Car Park West Shore Llandudno, the what3words coordinates are FLOODING.VITAMINS.NOUN.
Winter opening
Open from: 
Open until: 
Every Day
Friday, November 3, 2023
Friday, March 22, 2024
Opening days are dependant on the availability of volunteers.
OS Reference: 
SH 77331 81506
Station Elevation: 
19.7' (6m)
Visual features of station
A blue mobile unit with a silver flag pole. National Coastwatch logo displayed on all sides and NATIONAL COASTWATCH ( lettering) Please do not park in the reserved parking spaces, which are clearly marked, as these are reserved for watchkeepers and emergency service vehicles. We also display a large banner to the seaward side with NCI CHANNEL 65. This is for marine VHFradio calls requesting radio checks, current weather and local information and advice.
Other identifying features
National Coastwatch Logos and sign writing on all sides