6 June 2023 Outdoors enthusiast Jo Schup is Station Manager at NCI St Donat’s Bay located at UWC Atlantic College where there’s a unique programme that unites students from around the world and local community volunteers with the shared aim of helping to save lives on the coast.
Not only that, she packs a lot in to her busy life, including walking miles to raise funds for the causes she supports – NCI St Donat’s Bay Station and MIND in the Vale of Glamorgan. For Volunteers Week, she told us why she does it.
How did you first become aware of NCI?
In 2017 I completed a solo back packing walk of the circumference of Wales; 1194 miles, 2,881,279 steps, in 90 days encompassing the Welsh Coastal Path and Offa’s Dyke. I first became aware of NCI when the Porthcawl crew watched me take off my boots and wade across the muddy estuary - they stopped me to explain they had been looking out for me and that it wasn't a safe thing to do. After that I made a point of calling into as many NCI stations along my route as possible, enjoying friendly chats, cups of tea and a welcome sit down. I knew then that if I ever live by the sea I'd like to volunteer with NCI.
Have you any previous maritime experience?
In my 20's and 30's I became a BSAC Advanced Scuba diver. Through this I gained my VHF license, learnt chartwork, navigation and tides and how to drive the RIB. But you don’t need maritime experience to volunteer with us as full training is provided.
What have you done in your career?
I qualified as a State Registered Chiropodist at Cardiff University and practiced for several years in the NHS. I then became a customer service/operations manager for companies including Federal Express, Apple Computers and Symantec. After moving to Shropshire, to run a 30-acre smallholding, I became a Regional Bee Inspector for the National Bee Unit, APHA for 5 years. We then moved to Kenya.
What made you decide to volunteer?
We returned to Wales from Kenya during the Covid pandemic. I thought NCI would be a great way of getting to know people locally whilst giving something back to the community
Do you/have you volunteered with other organisations?
Yes, In Kenya I volunteered for the TNR Trust, an Anti-Rabies organisation. I did house visits and lots of sewing for them - making surgical drapes and operating theatre gowns
What do you like most about volunteering with NCI?
Being able to switch off from my day-to-day world and just concentrate on the sea and the coast, whilst helping to protect people
Is there a watch you’ll never forget ?
I should really say it was an incident but actually it was a solo watch during covid shut-down when I saw a pod of dolphins, a peregrine falcon and a seal
What has surprised you about NCI?
It’s been no great surprise but it has reinforced how genuinely nice people are, giving their time to try to help others.
For more about the station and the unique scheme at St Donat’s Bay: HRH THE PRINCESS ROYAL VISITS NCI ST DONATS BAY AT UWC ATLANTIC COLLEGE | National Coastwatch Institution
If you’re interested in volunteering with us, we have 59 stations around the coast of England and Wales. Find out more here: Information for Potential Watchkeepers | National Coastwatch Institution (nci.org.uk)