14th July 2023. On Friday evening an incident unfolded in Porth Ledden Cove just to the North side of Cape Cornwall with the National Coastwatch Institution station on the headland assisting
Three young persons found themselves in difficulty on the shoreline and after climbing further up the rocks of the Cove they became cut off. HM Coast guard at Falmouth orchestrated a multi agency response involving both the Sennen Cove RNLI All Weather Llifeboat and Inshore Lifeboats along with Lands End and Penzance Rescue Teams and the Coastguard Search and Rescue Helicopter. An extraction involving the RNLI crews and Coastguard Rescue Teams was deemed to be impossible, so the Coastguard Helicopter had to winch the three young persons to safety. Throughout the incident, the NCI Cape Cornwall volunteer watchkeeper provided real-time information and over-watch facilities to the rescue services.